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    Yes. And that Poroschenko also declared that Debaltsevo was a Ukie victory! What balls he talks.

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    I love listening to and reading Alexandr Zakharchenko, he puts me in a state of grace. Does anyone apart from him actually have anything real and practical to say? While this man sits calmly and says what is in reality going on, Ukraine, USA and EU are spinning in a counter-clockwise direction with no grasp of the situation at all.

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      I like him too. He is calm even if he rages inside, he follows orders even if he does not like them, he is a soldier, a patriot, and a good head of state.

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        He’s also an extremely good nice man. I remember seeing him comforting some woman in a crowd who had probably lost a son or husband.
        God preserve you Zacharchenko!

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