Ukrainian fighters who fled from Debaltsevo occurred in front-line Artemovsk with no money, with not accommodation, writes New York Times.
Shooting is heard often in a peaceful town. Former fighter drink alcohol and g the streets with weapons. ‘What else did you want to see after the battle?’ It was announced one fighter to the journalists of American edition.
After the hurried retrieve from Debaltsevo, demoralized Ukrainians got Artemovsk and brought with them alcoholic drinks writes New York Times. They tell about horrible conditions which they could hardly leave. They count their losses, and they complain about incompetent management.
Shots are heard in the Central Square, many fighters drink alcohol in order to forget events from Debaltsevo. Some Ukrainian militants drink exactly on the streets, other fighters visit expansive restaurants, and demand expansive cognac and in spite of paying the bill, and they shoot.
It seems that some of fighters were even accommodated. They stood near the hotel Ukraina, write journalists of the edition.
When the leaders of world states criticize each other, when they argue about ceasefire and decide what to do further, Ukrainian fighters struggle with painful recollections.
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