What a political panorama: Bereza, Naiem, Sobolev, Leshchenko, Zalishchuk, Tymoshenko, even the President himself! How smoothly they beat up on the “Rabbit.” (Yatsenyuk’s allias)
I am just in awe.
And you know what? It turns out that they see it all, hear it all, and even understand. They even reminded him of the universal project “The Wall,” where according to Bereza “400 million pensions, salaries, benefits,” got buried. They recalled the tax reform, and indeed the many reforms that are like, Oh good Lord, they’re going to ruin the country.
And what were you thinking when you were adopting these laws and were shouting about a unanimous parliament and a unified cabinet?
As now instead, you’re at each other’s throats, ripping at each other, and throwing mud about him, as now you’re afraid of losing your place at the trough and trying to break through to a bigger piece of the budget pie. And you are the ones talking about tolerance, about that “Ukraine – a country of law”? You, who are bombing your own people (as you say yourself)? Do you remember anything about the constitution and the norms of decision-making?
You, who at first passed the law on social benefits to residents of Donbass, and then yourselves up and cancel it!
Here is one of those who recalled the existence of a Constitution, Leonid Yemets of the Popular Front party, when they were deciding whether to eject his chief [Namely, Arseniy Yatsenyuk]:
“Yesterday, we did not address this issue at the meeting of our parliamentary caucus. This will only happen when one of these two events will have occurred: either the government will be dissolved following the constitutional procedure, or it will remain in place and will receive a 6-month immunity (until 2 September 2016) against any No Confidence. Only at that moment, i.e. today, the caucus of the “Popular Front” will meet and make a decision.”
Why didn’t you remember this remarkable document (the constitution) before?
Yatsenyuk, exact words: “Hatred and anger are not the feelings that must unite a deliberate political society,” “We were handed a plundered country, with the Russian army, without an army [of our own] and without money“, “We leave the country with a full treasury, with debt written off and with an army equipped, with pensions and benefits paid up.”
Applause in the hall!
What is there to add? Arseny Petrovich, as always, lies, and doesn’t even blush.
And finally …
For [the Prime Minister]- 197
Cons – not so important actually …
What will happen? Time will tell, but I think we are waiting for a new circus!
And of course the stabilization of the hryvnia, and the unanimity of the international community on the subject of Ukraine.
PS In general, a funny thing, the pathetic way they talk, according to the thesis — though in fact, everything was decided before the meeting …