Alexandr Zaharchenko, the head of the DPR announced that the Minsk agreements are supposed to be cancelled, however, there is a small hope that Kiev officials will return to the Minsk agreement, because the responsibility devolves on Europe.

Alexandr Zaharchenko: Minsk agreements have been cancelled
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les habitants de l’union des républiques populaires n’ont jamais pris les accords de minsk au premier degré *** l’armée de l’union s’attend à une très prochaine opération barbarossa des hordes hitlériennes du banderastan encadrées de conseillers militaires venus du far west et du royaume uni avec de nouvelles armes payées par les contribuables de chez l’oncle sam et de l’union européenne *** on souhaite aux revanchards de kiev la même débacle qu’à debaltsevo.
supporter of Novorossia
Sadly but truly Alexander Zaharchencko is right, the minsk agreements were nothing more than a lull in the battle, a lull forced by france and germany’s efforts to avoid a wider war, the minsk agreements have been sabotaged by the americans from the very start. the americans needed time to better arm kiev knowing that the novorossia side was winning. I am afraid this war is not over, it will be not over unless one side is completely and totally beaten. May God strengthen your hand in the battles which are surely to come. May God guide your leadership in their fight for their rights, May God have mercy on your fallen martyrs, the ones that fell, and the ones that will fall.