The military correspondent KP Dmitriy Steshin is reporting on 19th January from the capital of the DPR about the situation at the Donetsk front.
‘Miliary advance of the punitives was failed. The militias took Peski and took into the ring Avdeevka and are reaching Mariupol, and Kiev announced about the visit of meeting in Minsk Format. Zaharchenko gave press-conference. I hope that counterattack of militias will be simultaneously with negotiations in Minsk.
Kiev does not understand in another way. Life of modern metropolises in time of war is impressive’. The military correspondent added that Peski are being cleaned up:
‘Then after unlucky attack is “tactic” set back. Peski are being cleaned up, the DPR have been entrenched themselves in the suburb of Avdeevka. Ukrainians stopped razing to the ground Donetsk’.
Si c’est confirmé, splendide !!! Merci Seigneur !
Pokial bude pri moci v Kyjeve fašistická junta na čele s Porošenkom a Janukovičom tak sa na východe Ukrajiny nič nezmení.Fašistov treba zabiť,neverím,žeby to statoční ľudia z Novoruska nedokázali.Keď zabijú týchto dvoch zloduchov tak Ukrajina stratí prisluhovačov USA a EU naladenej proti Rusku ,ktoré by chceli ovládnuť.