Ukraine Junta is to create a ghetto for ‘morons who do not know the Ukrainian language’ according to Oleg Skrypka ! More madness from the Banana Republic Ukraine ! For those who don’t know how to speak Ukrainian(actaully a language of mixed dialects from other nations) will be sent to a Ghetto ! Same as what the German Nazis did to Jews during the second World War ! According to the Nazi Regime of Ukraine, they are considered Village Idiots ! But after reading the official statement coming from the Kiev Regime, i truly believe that Oleg Skrypka and his bandits are the true Village Idiots and of course Nazi Scum ! ~ ZN
Residents of Ukraine who do not speak the state language, have a low IQ and should be isolated. This conclusion was made by the leader of the Ukrainian band «Vopli Vidopliassova», Oleg Skrypka.
‘People who can not learn Ukrainian, have a low IQ, so they are given a diagnosis of “debilizm”. They should be isolated, because they are socially dangerous, we need to create a ghetto for them,’ the singer said.
In this regard, he proposed citizens who have not mastered the Ukrainian language, to seek work in other countries.
Skripka himself did not hesitate to appear in the Russian-Ukrainian musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, where he spoke exclusively in Russian.
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