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  • samo79

    I have no words, this is a terrible news … those cynical bastards should pay for this crime :-/

  • John Gilberts

    Condolences to family, friends and Novorossiya. Alexey Mozgovoy’s lion-heart and spirit was obvious to all and shone through his interviews. A great and good man and a formidable military leader. May he rest in peace and be honoured always.

  • Susn in the US

    I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. Mozgovoy was a thinker and therefore posed one of the biggest threats to any status quo in terms of government organization. This is a huge loss for Novorussiya.

    Did you see this poem he wrote? Talk about prophetic:

    Не плохо в мае умереть,

    Могильщику копать удобно.

    И соловьи всё будут петь,

    В последний раз, так бесподобно.

    Под грохот первых майских гроз,

    Вместо унылых отпеваний…

    И дождь, прольётся вместо слёз,

    Он смоет грусть воспоминаний.

    Могильный холмик приютит,

    Под покрывалом трав зелёных.

    Пусть даже крест там не стоит,

    Среди берёзок утомленных.

    Под шелест листьев молодых,

    Что только к жизни потянулись.

    Пока ещё нет трав седых,

    А только, только всё проснулось.

    Не плохо в мае умереть…

    Остаться в свежести весенней.

    И хоть не смог я всё успеть,

    Но не осталось уж сомнений…

    Не плохо, в мае умереть…

    It is a gift to die in May—

    An easy task to dig a grave,

    And nightingales will sing their song

    Inimitably, like their last.

    In May, the thunder of storms supplants

    A funerals’ dismal songs and sounds,

    And rain that comes instead of tears

    Dissolves the memories’ regret.

    The shelt’ring barrow of the grave

    Beneath the emerald of grass;

    A cross is a redundant mark

    Among a grove of weary birch.

    Beneath the rustling newborn leaves,

    With irrepresible thirst for life,

    The sun has yet to burn the grass,

    And every thing is animate.

    It is a gift to die in May,

    To stay behind in vernal dew.

    And though I could not do it all,

    There are no doubts where none remain…

    It is a gift, to die in May…

    – attributed to the pen of Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy / translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov

  • reed

    Around the world people are grieving for the loss of this man they had come to trust and admire.

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