Nazi Ukrainian Junta fighters go on attack doped up and drunk ready to kill innocent civilians, some of the drugs given by NATO High Command !
‘They are drunk on the offensive, not in their right mind. They their wounded do not scream. We found that two hundred soldiers of the Nazi Ukrainian army had in their possession drugs, which are prohibited for use and are not sold at retail. Are they called amphetamines? Previously, they had taken two pills and had not felt pain. It is under the influence of psychotropic drugs that they are trying to break through our positions,’ said the soldier, pointing out that all the breakthroughs at the LPR positions had been carried out by Nazi Ukrainians ‘on a dope’.
‘They do not have any certain tactics, there is only a certain task that is set for them by the command or themselves. The fact remains that during all the breakthroughs soldiers are «on dope»,’ said «Harza”.
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