Ukrainian Nazi Armed Forces have moved 182 units of military equipment and 420 personnel to the contact line in Donbass over the last week, the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) defense ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin said on Monday. “DPR intelligence continues registering movement of military equipment and personnel of Ukrainian Armed Forces along the entire contact line,” Donetsk News Agency quoted Basurin as saying. Basurin said that 86 self-propelled artillery systems, Grad multiple rocket launcher systems, artillery and armored vehicles were spotted on the Gorlovka direction. Kiev also moved 12 multiple rocket launcher systems, six D-30 howitzers, 22 tanks and armored personnel carriers, along with 100 personnel, on the Donetsk direction. DPR defense ministry also said that 56 units of Ukrainian Junta military equipment were spotted on the Mariupol direction, in particular, 15 self-propelled artillery systems, 13 multiple rocket launcher systems, 20 tanks and armored vehicles, three Rapira anti-tank guns, five vehicles with ammunition and 320 personnel, including 200 foreign mercenaries.

James Howard Trusty
This silliness is not going to end well for the Nazis and their buddies. No doubt, Biden gave them the OK to act silly…Someday, Russia is going to get sick and tired enough of the situation to involve herself directly in the matter. That cannot happen soon enough as for as I am concerned. She has allowed America to stir mischief in the Ukraine much too long….
Geo Levito
James Howard Trusty, if you think you can get some truthful information from this site and/or other identical “novorossia” sites then you might get a better insight pulling it right out of your @ss.
“America to stir mischief in the Ukraine”?! It is Russia who is stirring mischief in Ukraine, you clueless idiot! The war started exactly when putin’s ‘little green people’ invaded Crimea and then the Russian-Nazis (Girkin/Strelkov gang) crossed the border and started killing Ukrainian activists and taking over administrative buildings in Donbass (Slaviansk specifically) aiming at separating the whole of Donbass region from Ukraine.
If you are interested in getting a picture of what happens if something of similar nature takes place in any of the native regions of Russia, google ‘Grozny 1999’ and see how Russians deal with their separatists…
Since August of 2014, Russian regular armed forces, camouflaged as “separatists”, have crossed Ukrainian border on many occasions to take part in the fight against Ukrainian army, thus winning a couple of battles for the “separatists”.
All of which has been hailed by the Kremlin controlled news channels as decisive victory of the Donbass people in their fight against the fascists of “Kiev junta” hell bent on ethnic cleansing the Russian-speaking people of Donbass.
Doesn’t take much brain powder to find out that a good half of the Ukrainian troops fighting in Donbass against the fascist occupants are Russian speaking themselves, a lot of them natives of the Donbass region. This said, you must have no brain whatsoever spewing that silly drivel about America stirring mischief in Ukraine. Just get brain!
Zak Novak
Geo dear friend,,me as an American, a volunteer here in Novorossia,,knowing very well what is going on, I think you should stop drinking woolite and cut down on the red meat…Nazi Ukraine junta has done nothing but fight a cowardly war, bombing civilian areas, the killing of women and children, decapitated children here,,oh yes,,we have the proof, we wait for a true battle,,which will never come due to the cowards of the Nazi ranks,,because they know very well what they have done here and are afraid to be captured so they can see what they did to the children ! As for Crimea,,liberated my friend Geo,,,95 % loved this,,no war,,we were there, and the people till today are free and happy to be far from the kiev junta scum grips,,,And as for Grozny,,wiping out terrorists who you support geo,,the people there as well are thankful,,,with a wonderful brave leader of the country Kadyrov,,,So,,,take all your Nazi gay sector bandera right wing McCain loving storys elsewhere,,victory again for Mother Russia proud they are since the great patriotic war,,,and we will crush you Nazi scum again ! ,,,,,Zak Novak Volunteer Novorossia !
Zak Novak
James, you are absolutely right, Mother Russia has been tolerant and patient, the people here want peace in the Donbass Novorossia, and they are showing the world it wants peace, it is sad that such hatred from the Nazi regime in kiev and Washington continue this Nazi ideology, but again,,Mother is patient for now, only now, you know how mothers can be ! Bless you James for your comment! ,,,,, Zak Novak