The Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Aleksandr Zaharchenko advised to Ukrainian authorities to prepare to his arrival to Kiev.
It was the answer of Zaharchenko on November 3, he commented demand of Kiev authorities where they asked to hold them Debaltsevo.
He advised to Kiev authorities to forget about Debaltsevo forever, and about the entire DPR.
President of Ukraine Pyotr Poroshenko announced that Debaltsevo was to be held to Kiev after talks on October 19 in Berlin, Interfax reported.
Battles for Debaltsevo were at the end of 2014 and beginning 2015.
In regard to the data of the DPR Defence Ministry, about 66 Ukrainian militarymen perished, 300 were wounded when Debaltsevo was circled, and for the time of battles, about 3000 Ukrainian “defenders” perished.
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