Today, on 28th July was special interview with Miquel Puertas who is the first and the only teacher now who arrived from another country to work in the DPR’s capital. Journalist from Novorossia Today from the place of meeting.
Miquel said that he was born in Barcelona, how he studied law, which music he lied, how he started working in Kaunas in Lithuania to work as a Spanish lecturer. In 2013 in November he followed the news in Kiev, and he understood that extremists arranged the Maida. He visited Lvov that time and he saw black-red flags of Bandera, he saw girls of organization Femen in Vilnius. Miquel did not support those events, crisis in Ukraine, and he created English and Spanish groups in Facebook named International Observatory of Ukrainian conflict.
Lithuanian authorities wrote to University where Miguel worked with complaints of his activity in Facebook and Miquel was asked to stop it or he was warned that he would be fired. However, decisive moment that changed his life was arrival of “Aydar” member to the University to tell about his organization activity and collect money. Miguel expressed his opinion that students do not have to be involved into politic conflicts and his life was changed forever…
Nataliya Sinyavskaya
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