The MP of the Verkhovna Rada confessed that Harkov is not reliable city for Ukraine. The Harkov Regional Council refused earlier to recognize Russia as a country aggressor, and the radical threatened to deputies to dismiss for the “support of terrorism”.
‘We do not allow them to carry out anti-state policy in conditions of war. We have to dismiss them at least, and shoot them as maximum’, announced Lyashko. He offered to dismiss the deputies as a threat of the referendum that can be held by citizens of Harkov in any moment.
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Зачем братя убивают друг друга? Разве не помните Отечественую войну когда мы вместе умирали от голоду и от немецких пул. Дай Боже вы закончите ето мародерство славянского народа, и бродте еверйски денги в мусор