I heartily greet my young fellow countrymen, residents of the South-East on the Day of Youth! For my part, in fact, for all the Donbass, you’re like relatives and family. Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa, Kharkov and Nikolayev, Kherson and Zaporozhye – these are beautiful Russian cities, true sister cities of Donetsk and Lugansk.
However, today, everyone in the southeast, but especially young people, are living through hard times. To maintain their grip on power, the Ukrainian oligarchs allied themselves with fascists, the worst enemy of our people. When you raised up your voices against extremism, when you openly protested against their alien ideology, the criminal regime in Kiev declared war on our people. Their actions led to the burning, imprisonment, and disappearance of thousands of people. They sicced their forces on the Donbass, but we repulsed the aggressors; with guns in our hands, we won our freedom. It was hard, but we survived; today, we’re building our independent and fair state.
I urge you, the young people of the southeast, to cast aside all your fears, to unite your efforts, and present a united front against the occupation regime.
Free yourselves, be masters in your own land; stand up to defend your culture, traditions, and mother tongue!
Today, you’re young, strong, and courageous; on you alone depends the future of your country, the welfare of your family and friends, and our common peace and prosperity!”
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