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  • Andrew

    This is an excellent idea. Free the truth.

  • Jeanette Rost

    But, I assume, they have no plan to honor the thousands of Russians murdered by the Russian elite in the past?

    They need to deal with their own shortcomings before working on others’.

    • Zak Novak

      If you read the article Jean,,they do honor them ! Your worst history in US,,maybe the world,,ethnic cleansing of the American Indian ! Shame !

    • ac

      Stalin and others have not received the recognition they expected to get after their deaths due to the atrocities they commited while in power. This is one way Russia shows respect for those that lost their lives in their dictatorship.Bottomline: Russia has aknowledges the past suffering of its people in stead of sweepin this ugly site under the carf history.And The Gulag monuments still remain in remembrance of the difficulties of the Soviet past.

  • ac

    Stalin and others have not received the recognition they expected to get after their deaths due to the atrocities they commited while in power. This is one way Russia shows respect for those that lost their lives in their dictatorship.Bottomline: Russia has aknowledged the past suffering of its people in stead of sweeping this ugly sight under the carpet of history.And The Gulag monuments still remain in remembrance of the difficulties of the Soviet past.

    Admin: Delete my previous note, it has some errors that make it unclear.

  • Lisa

    There is a beautiful monumet to American Indians in Sante fe, NM . however, in the inscription these wonderful people are referred to as savages. Talk about a slap in the face! And our gov gave some bullshit excuse that savage is a french word… anyways, thank you mother bear for acknowledging and honoring such a beautifully spiritual culture. May truth ‘n honesty prevail. ♡♡♡

  • As a Tsalagi (Cherokee), and descendant of a people who endured what is commonly called “The Trail of Tears, I appreciate Russia’s wanting to erect a memorial to the genocide and plans of genocide to which my people, among more than 500 sovereign nations within U.S. borders, have been subjected in the past (and many are still experiencing)–if that were the real motive–but honoring our many tribal nations is not the motive. Using us and our suffering, past and present, to further a political agenda and to use merely as ammunition in the Russian government’s judgment of another nation is just as wrong as what the U.S. government has done. If the memorial brought honor to our ancestors who suffered the most from the U.S. government’s genocidal agenda, then I would say, by all means build the memorial and call the attention of the world to it. Sadly, that is not what is being done. Once again, our people’s suffering is serving the political agenda of a nation that, in truth, could care less about what our ancestors have had to endure or that we, their descendants, are still working to overcome the effects of those dark times.

    I am not surprised at this development. After all, politics has no conscience.


    There is a typographical error in my name. It should be Al Swilling, NOT Al Swillign.

  • Why not make a Monument for the ones fighting for PEACE ? The Wars are still going on. When it will e easier to make friends than enemies, we have made some progress.

  • Where does an Native American go to or seek help & justice, when the tryrant colonial governments of the Americas are still seeking to remove you further from your lands?…When they fool the world that they are the beacon of hope, humanity and equal rights?…Whom out there will stand with my brothers when evil seeks to complete its genocidal agenda, where peoples of every nation come to our continent believing, we are simply of the past?…Whom shall protect our interests, culture and beliefs of being completely free from radical materialists which fear monger, and propagate hatred and misunderstanding on our own soil?..Indeed, we are into our last days fighting not just for the freedoms of my peoples, the Haudenshaunee, but to unchain the minds of millions whom recieve tainted history of a native peoples, that once roamed proud, free and forever, the caretakers of this once beautiful lands of Americas! Our fight is just starting….


  • OneIndian

    As an Indigenous person who’s Traditional/Ancestral territory expands into both colonial genocides; of both the US and Canadian occupation,; fully support the idea of this idea. In the 21sr century it is past due. Knowledge is powerful, use the truth to change the world.

    • OneIndian

      Please delete this post I will revise and correct the message.

  • OneIndian

    As an Indigenous person who’s Traditional/Ancestral territory expands the invisible international lines; of both the US and Canadian occupation; I fully support this idea, in the 21sr century it is past due. Knowledge is powerful, use the truth to change the world.

  • This issue has been addressed over and over again; some listen; some care; most , of course, dismiss it as a little insignificant part of history and hope that each time that it is brought up; it will go away!
    Europeans have been cruel as have been middle easterners.
    God Almighty will be just in His perfect time. Presently; He hopes that people will repent.
    The Bible in Exodus 20: States that He will do justice up to the third and fourth generation!
    God has a good memory! The good news is that if we return to Him and repent; He is merciful and He will forgive e us and take us back!
    The end of this world as we know it is at hand. God is coming to put end to all evil and take His good children to Heaven, where no more tears of sadness or evil will ever be again!

  • Aii-yut-to-ton-mii

    Praise the Creator for this memorial site which will stand as a reminder to the world of genocide that occured to the aboriginals of North America. A truly unacknowledged past that most “Americans” institutions refuse to claim as inhuman measures that were polical policies to claim ownership over Native American resources, which today, resources are abused, crippling the future for the whole human race.

  • alex

    how about also confronting their own history of colonialism. Russia was a colonizing Empire long time ago also.

    • Zak Novak

      Russia colonizing ? ,,where did you go to school, special ed ??

  • Jonathan

    Good and we need a wall to keep out more white people!

    • Zak Novak

      Amen !

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