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    Just 1 question to that: why is opposition not allowed in Russia?

    1. 1.1

      Natali Sapphir

      Why have you come to such conclusion?!

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        You-self are redicolous :)) His name was Nemtsov.
        You should better learn your lesson, otherwise your masters risk not to pay you your bonus.

  2. 2


    Vražda Nemcova bola urobená jeho vlastnými ľuďmi aby na jeho počesť mohli začať v strede Moskvy Majdan,dúfam,že ich polícia z tade vyprevadí aj s dobrou nakladačkou.

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    Crowds spring into action thanks to western funded NGOs. Just like in Ukraine when Yanukovych rejected the plan to go with the better Russian loan and discount on natural gas offer. Do not worry you traitorous chumps. No matter what you have been promised or what you aspire to…it won’t happen. Just like in Ukraine and anywhere else you will be promised tons of money, fat assed American cars, a big ass like the Kardashians. It will not happen. How modern people who have access to the Internet, who could find out the budget of these NGOs on the Internet and what happens to countries who believe the manure they spread is beyond understanding. The information is everywhere. The west wants to destroy Russian power so the energy and mineral assets can be stilen. Just like in the Yeltsen years. You are being used! How can you be so stupid! Fascists from the west will promise everything and it will not come true/ Look what they did in Kosovo. Opem your eyes and don’t let Soros sponsored liars wreck Russia.

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