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    Bien dit Monsieur, vous sauvez un peu l’honneur de votre pays par vos propos. Il est grand temps que le peuple états-unien se réveille et renverse un régime satanique et mortifère qui tue l’âme des Etats-unis aussi bien qu’il tue des innocents dans le monde entier.
    Que le Ciel vous guide et vous aide dans votre mission !

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    You had me right up until the quote from Lincoln. How can you bash America and still praise him? He is no better than Poroshenko! He was a war criminal who targeted the civilian population with terror in order to win the war. He abused the Constitution more than any president, including Obama and Bush! He suspended rights and laws, he locked up the Maryland state legislature to prevent them from voting to secede, he seized telegraph offices to ensure only his version of propaganda was reported, and he silenced any pro southern or even unbiased journalists in Yankee states. You can’t tell me any different, because I come from a place that was shelled, bombarded and starved out with siege by Abe, and a state in which 6 counties were totally burned to the ground with no military objective other than the farmers were feeding the rebel army. When I was growing up there were still bullets and shells to be found in the ground, and some people were killed by old shells many years later. As I see what is happening in Donbass, I have noticed that a lot of it is right out of his playbook. If you want the “Shameful Truth about the American Civil War” I can give you that too! And any bad things you have heard about the south since then is largely tainted with propaganda after the fact to glorify only the Yankee side and demonize the south, so don’t judge until you know the truth. The goals of the rebel soldier are summed up perfectly in this quote by one of their generals, and the same exact words could be used to describe Donbass today!! …”The fact that one army was fighting for union and the other for disunion is a political expression; the fact is that the Federal troops came as invaders, and the Southern troops stood as defenders of their homes, and further than this we need not go.”

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    Equipe rédactionnelle

    If you know it, you maybe can give us some proofs?

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    Equipe rédactionnelle

    By the way, Marc, you who know all… What is the difference between T84 and T90?

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    Marc is a desperate troll who reminds me on General Colin Powell who shamelessly lied to the whole World 05/02/2003. Lie remains a lie regardless of how many times it is repeated, same with this latest lie about Ukraine. Show as at least some proof to support your claim, even the infamous aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq for their Nuclear Program that Powell presented to the United Nations look more genuine then your claims.

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