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    Love will always win. Sooner or later. There is no rational reasons to ban same-sex couples from having their relationship recognised. Novorossiya makes a mistake by embracing righr-wing, oppressive policies based on prejudice, homophobia and heterosexual. Sorry! Maybe if you wer acting morally, I’d sympathise with you since you don’t, I don’t either.

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    I am happy for your health and sanity that you are not very close to me right now, because I would have stopped your opinions in a split second!
    We don’t want freaks like you to pollute our children’s mind with sick homosexual liberty!
    God created us as men and women and homosexuality is a SICK behavior like pedophilia and necrophilia.
    What do you suggest next? That necrophilia’s and pedophilias shall have access to graveyards and kindergartens???

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      Natali Sapphir

      Petr, are you from Slovenia? Do you confirm that this information is not true?

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        Hi Natali.
        I did not check if the Slovaks approved this, but I would not be surprised if they did….
        No, I am Scandinavian. We are here getting sick of the homosexual liberation that is running like a pest through the western world and is OF COURSE initially started and promoted by USA as all other health and moral damaging aspects.
        In USA even airline Captains can change their sex and be recognized as “psycological stable” and keep their job after!!! This proves how sick the western world has become!!


          Natali Sapphir

          Hi, Peter. I totally agree with you!



            I don’t. Western world divided. That’s the problem. Take Russia for example. Russia still acts like an Empire (it still has colonies, in Northern Asia), while negating its European/Western roots and identity. Russian leaders pretend that Russia is “special” to justify their corruption, mismanagement and oppression, in order to stay in power indefinitely.

            In fact, Russia is a European/western country. Why? Look at its language (indo-European), philosophies (mostly Christianity and atheism), its sports (football, hockey…), its fashion (standard western clothes), its architecture (neoclassical and minimalist), science, literature, music, art…

            The West/Europe should unite for peace, stability and the sake of cultural wealth. We need a European Federation to face future geopolitical challenges

          2. Natali Sapphir

            The language of Russia belongs to indo-European family, to the Slavic group, the main religion is Christinity, but not atheism. Yes, Europaens and Slavic people should unity, but not with Americn people.



            I don’t think you understood. Slavic people are integral part of Europe. There is no Europe without slavic peoples. Atheism is one of the major philosophies, apart from christianity, while both are core western philosophies.

            Most people in America (Canada, the US, Mexico, Brazil…) are of European origin. They are Europeans. they speak the same family of languages, have the same dominant philosophies (christianity or atheism), customs, literature, music, fashion, cuisine. Don’t be anti-American. My Mexican friends would hate you.



          Hold on? Why would it hurt you to see other people having the same rights as everyone else? Homosesxuality is NO pest, but a phenomenon. We don’t know why people are heterosexual or homosexual, but it’s clear that they exist.

          I think it is immoral to attack gay people with no reason.

          Btw, it is not the US, which started off gay equality movement. It is actually a European movement. First countries to recognise same-sex couples are in Europe.

          The only sickness of the Western world is that we are fail integrity: we are hateful, non-tollerant, lazy and disunited. This is the problem, not gay people.

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      Why do you compare homosexuality/heterosexuality with phaedophilia or necrophilia? Gay relationships are consensual. Both parts agree to have a relationship. This is not the case of the other ones. I think the freaks are homophobes who have a very unrealistic vision of the society and polluting children’s minds with hate and spite.

      There is no God, and men and women are not the only sexes. There are also people in between biologically (hermaphrodites), just as there are people who do not feel male or female.

      I suggest that the society we live in should be just and truthful, not hateful and based on religious lies.

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        Natali Sapphir

        Nice opinion, thank’s.

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        You are a sick and twisted freak and don’t come here and implement God into your sick sexual habits!
        Stay away from this site and seek some hormone treatment to get back to a normal sexual life!

  3. 3


    I read that the Slovenian politicians passed this bill after ignoring the referendum that clearly showed people opposed homosexual marriage. Their reason? Marriage is a right and hence not subject to referendums. They are absolutely wrong. Marriage is a natural human phenomenon that occurs when two people from the two genders existing in human nature commit themselves to each other. The beautiful and meaningful organs associated with these genders make this marriage possible. TWO OF THE SAME KIND DO NOT A MARRIAGE MAKE.
    Marriage and family are to society what gravity and time are to our world. So, I appeal to the citizens of the country to challenge the politicians on this critical issue.

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      The previous referendum clearly didn’t “clearly” show that Slovenians oppose same sex marriage. That referendum was a completely different law than what they’re voting on now. Less than 30% of eligable voters turned their vote in. And out of those, only a bit more than 50% opposed the suggested law. If a bit more than 10% of all eligable voters is a “clear” sign of opposition to you, then you need you mind checked.

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    Thank you Mal!
    Your referendum to the Slovenian parliament’s arguments where they are ignoring the proposal for homosexuality is the best I have heard of statements against abnormal sexual liberty.
    May we for ever destroy these attempts to undermine natural human existence together.

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