It was the first time when Milo Djukanovic faced such serious competition for the entire period of his ruling, and his Western support, a source in the opposition party told News Front.
“The Democratic Front held a brilliant campaign. Now difficult political bargaining will begin in the state. Coalition of the DF and “The Key” is weak but integrates different forces. We hope that this union will continue to exist, despite the fact that still many aspects of domestic and foreign policy have to be negotiated. The game would be inevitably intervened by the US and EU. They have great potential for manipulation of all political actors”, said the expert.
“As usual, Milo Djukanovic’s regime, stole from 10 to 15% of the votes from the opposition. Rigging was obvious, it is a favorite method of Milo that the American curators suggested him: the use of administrative resources, luring representatives of Diaspora who live abroad, manipulation at polling stations in Muslim enclaves (Bosnian and Albanian) and direct bribery of voters. The scheme was simple: the falsification during the voting process, stovepiping of false exit poll data produced by little-known NGOs who has no any relation to sociology and Milo’s hasty statement about his victory. Now he would be openly supported by the West and the European observers will confirm the integrity of the ballot”, the source added.
“The Key and Becic’s democrats were robbed first of all. That was done intentionally not to allow the opposition to form a coalition in the future to vote against the decision to join NATO. This situation will give rise to a new round of instability and social unrest”, conclude the source.
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