Military operation that was started against civilians of Donbass by Kiev led to huge amount of casualties and disabled people from both sides. And Ukrainian authorities face serious question: what to do with such a big amount of disabled fighters who returned back from Donbass.
Ukrainian commanders and Canadian trainers arranged trainings in Kill House. It is a special building without a roof for tactical military training of special army units. In such building cadets are trained to provide medical help in conditions, which most resemble the actual war zone. Veterans of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) are willing and able to enhance the combat readiness. In the first minute of the video you can see how people with disabilities waddle to the place of training, depicting the house.
Be reminded that disabled people of the junta troops get anything from Kiev. Therefore, this their work of living mannequins brings them some revenue.
There is canadian trainer at the photo that came to Ukraine to teach Nazis to fight and to provide the first aid, however, in such cruel way.
Quite honestly I find this quite disgusting. Any wounded should be treated with respect. Ukraine is clearly desperate, and the Canadians are certainly looking as revolting as the Americans when it comes to dirty practices. Maybe when these disabled ex-fighters have served their purpose here, they can be live practice, would save paying them pensions.
Natali Sapphir
All normal society would share your opinion, it’s realy disgusting, abnormal, awful to practice with disabled people.
Disgusting! harper-canada helping these ukries is rivolting
Natali Sapphir
You are totally right!