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  1. 1

    daddy warbucks

    Imagine the US military, US intelligence and DHS controlled by the Muslim brotherhood.

    What is happening is an infiltration and seizure with authority at more and more federal departments and agencies and now at municipal levels. Most Americans are totally oblivious to our new unfolding reality that is quietly, steadily, purposely and with increased momentum, taking control over all aspects of our country.

    When Obama said we are no longer a Christian nation, his intention is to insure it and enforce Sharia compliance and it is happening in a gradual but sustained manner (purposely without fanfare).

    “Heard an ex CIA agent, Jim Garrow say he overheard him tell some ambassador years ago that they planned to have America Islamized by 2016.”

    Sound far fetched?

    Connect the dots and remember Obama has been lying about everything, I urge you to Google any of the items below.

    What do we know at this point:

    -The Islamization of American schools, Google it (too much to list here)

    -Google: ‘The FBI’s Islamic Terrorism Denial’ … while they are expanding ‘domestic’ definitions. Your probably on the list if your a veteran.

    -NASA tax funded Muslim outreach mandate.

    -US taxes rebuilding and renovating mosques AROUND THE WORLD (much of that money has been re-routed back to America? (mosque building in the USA has gone up surpassing 70% since Obama took office, wow – coincidence?

    – Eric Holder’s DOJ has also been instrumental in forcing local communities to accept mosque construction. According to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum, mosque construction is the first step in Muslim colonization.

    – Eric Holder’s Justice Department has suspiciously scrubbed any mention of “Islam” or “Muslims” from counterterrorism training.

    -Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey ordered the entire US military to scour its training material to ensure it doesn’t contain anti-Islamic content.

    -International effort to make criticism of Islam illegal in the USA, supported by Obama and, yep – Hillary Clinton. Google it.

    -CIA Director John Brennan alleged to have converted to Islam

    -Ex Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel alleged to have converted to Islam. What’s his replacements belief? And not a WORD about those 11 (that’s ELEVEN!) ‘missing’ jumbo jets stolen from Tripoli Airport?

    -7 BILLION US tax dollar project to build a NEW power grid for (Muslim) Africa while the US power grid deteriorates and is increasingly vulnerable to EMP attacks.

    -6 Muslim Brotherhood ‘advisers’ in Obama Administration.

    -Muslim Brotherhood infiltrates top Gov. positions, yep, Google it

    -Google: Pelosi Commits TREASON; Appoints Muslim Brotherhood Agent to Intelligence Committee. By Ben Barrack on January 17, 2015

    – Are Christians being systematically purged from the U.S. military?
    By Shoebat Foundation on August 11, 2015

    -Municipalities increased recruitment of Muslims:
    New York Police Department Ramps Up Recruitment Of Muslim … 2015/ 06/ new-york-poli…

    -Muslim Brotherhood MPAC Trains TSA to give Muslims VIP pass, Google it.

    -Release from Gitmo of 5 of the most dangerous Taliban commanders, not a word about any of them since.

    -Botched US attempt to trade kidnapped Benghazi ambassador Stevens for the Blind Sheikh. The same operation was also used to ship US “heavy” weapons to al Qaeda (ISIS). Google it.

    -Illegal invaders flooding across our open borders are not just from Central America. >ISIS now camped 8 miles from Texas border and radioactive material is reported stolen in Mexico. Who has been enabling ISIS all along and will be using ISIS here on our streets to impose panic, possibly dirty bomb attacks and in conjunction with the coming banking collapse to facilitate an excuse for implementation of martial law, mass arrests and confiscations?

  2. 2

    daddy warbucks

    And yet still another other side of immigration they’re not telling you about:

    Not one campaigner has yet to speak the word ‘Hijra’ (Muslim Immigration Jihad).

    The vast majority of Americans have no idea how the USA is being over run and who soon will have majority vote and MSM is keeping it all quiet:

    Check out new ‘refugees’ in Detroit, Washington DC, Cedar Rapids, Paterson, Dearborn, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc., etc. and you’re subsidizing them.

    Did you know Lewiston, Maine is known as the Somali capital of New England! Followed by Ethiopians:

    -Somali Muslim Migrants Protest Welfare Reform in Maine 2014/ dgreenfield/ somali-muslim-migrants-protest-welfare-reform-in-maine/

    -Liberty News» Three Muslim Refugees From U.N. Resettlement … 2015/ 08/ three-muslim<
    Three Muslim Refugees From U.N. Resettlement Program Brutally Murder Christian Man in Maine, …


    Hey, America, guess who else Obama is dumping onto your state … 2014/ 12/ 02/ hey-america-

    The United Nations high commissioner for refugees has already dumped 200,000 to 250,000 Muslim refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq. But Caliph Obama has been greasing the skids for the Syrian (Muslim only, no Christian) refugees for months and they will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S.

    Read it again:… Obama has been greasing the skids for -Muslim only-, no Christian refugees.

    Now consider middle east Christian mass persecutions, atrocities and killings?? … they aren't eligible to get refugee status and Obama stash? … get it, yet?

    Obama and the UN have been greasing the skids for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS (Muslim only, no Christian) of 'refugees' "fleeing persecution'… evidently Christian refugees don't qualify for "Muslim Immigration Jihad" and Obama stash.


    Ever wonder why so many unscreened Muslim refugees are … 2015/ 05/ 20/ ever-wonder-why-so-many-unscreened-muslim-refugees-are-suddenly-flood ing-into-america/

    May 20, 2015 … Muslim Refugee Resettlement and the 'Hijra' (Muslim Immigration Jihad)

    Obama Appointed, Sharia law compliant, Fatima Noor to Asst Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration in the Department
    of Homeland Security.

    This short video is over 6 years old, the percentages have since increased everywhere, can you recognize the trend happening in the USA?

    US citizens are forced to pay for this coup de 'etat against the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and our coming total submission to Islam Sharia. yep … along with subsidizing them as they replace US citizen's jobs, housing, health benefits, food stamps and each will get an Obama phone after they're here?

    Obama stash (our taxes).

    American think is stuck in normalcy bias, lead by the nose from one distraction to another, obsessed with ballgames and shopping as an Islamic coup d' etat of the USA is happening around them.

  3. 3

    daddy warbucks

    “… Obama admitted to one Egyptian official that he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood International …”

    Still Report #367 – More on Obama & the Muslim Brotherhood

    from Bill Still


    1. Documents Show Obama Administration’s Close Ties to Muslim Brotherhood, Robert Spencer, June 18, 2014, Jihad Watch:

    2. Obama’s Intel Chiefs Lied to Congress about Muslim Brotherhood Connections, Allen West, May 20, 2014:

    3. Ibid

    …Published: April 1st, 2015

  4. 4

    daddy warbucks

    John Kerry Struggles To Admit U.S. At War With ISIS

    Still Report #281 – Is Obama a Sunni?

    …get it yet?

    1. 4.1

      Zak Novak

      Thank you Daddy Warbucks for the info !! And how how many people, kids getting ripped to pieces in this dirty war !! madness ! and so sad !

      1. 4.1.1

        Zak Novak

        Again,,thank you for all your comments and links !!! just total madness ! Obama,,nobel peace prize ? transparency ? he has killed more people than any of our leaders of the US ! incredible !

  5. 5

    daddy warbucks

    ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op — RT Op-Edge –

    “Very revealing is the fact that almost two weeks after the dramatic fall of Mosul and the ‘capture’ by ISIS forces of the huge weapons and military vehicle resources provided by the US to the Iraqi army. Washington has done virtually nothing but make a few silly speeches about their ‘concern’ …”

    -LYONS: The Islamic cloud over Brennan and Hagel

    National security may not be a first priority

    By Adm. James A. Lyons, February 19, 2013

    (Admiral James Aloysius “Ace” Lyons, officer of the U.S. Navy for thirty-six years, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the largest single military command in the world.)

  6. 6

    daddy warbucks


    Pelosi Commits TREASON; Appoints Muslim Brotherhood Agent to Intelligence Committee

    By Ben Barrack on January 17, 2015

    The next time the American people are told by a U.S. member of Congress that they can’t know something because it is “classified” or “still under investigation”, they should point their collective finger directly at one man – Andre Carson. The reason is that Carson is not just one of the only two Muslim members of Congress; he is now a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), appointed by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

    If ever there was a committee that has been able to hide behind the claim that it can’t answer a question because that answer would reveal classified information, HPSCI is such a committee.

    The problem isn’t solely that Carson is a Muslim. It’s also that he’s accepted contributions from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and is tied to other Muslim Brotherhood front groups. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial, which actually represents an additional problem. That problem is that it reveals another extremely.

  7. 7


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