Dorothy Reilly :
“I was just watching RT News (which repeats several times throughout the day) and Nuland and the rest of the U.S. government/media and our puppet government in the Ukraine are ramping up the anti-Russia propaganda and out-and-out lies once again as they send their troops into Ukraine completely ignoring the temporary ceasefire in eastern Ukraine as a result of the Minsk peace talks. Every time you hear the words “Russian aggression” please take notice of where the fighting was…in the east…not in Kiev…if the Russians were involved and were the aggressors the fighting would be in the west…it is the American backed puppet Ukraine government who is the aggressor…the Ukrainians in the eastern region are just defending themselves against invaders. Not to mention that if there is any nuclear threat it comes from the U.S. and Israel…not from Iran or Russia. Take time to think about what you are hearing instead of jumping on the bandwagon”
“Why do they blame the wrong side? Because that is what they are tasked to do. War is coming. Psychopaths run the world and they need war to save their fiat money system. So it’s coming. Rather than see the system fail, they will destroy the world. That being said, focus on what you can do to save yourself and your loved ones. Dithering over details is just that. The psychopaths will not stop until they own everything or they destroy everything. Our only hope is that there are enough honorable people in militaries throughout the world that will refuse orders or they move against the psychopaths. Neither is likely. So it is our responsibility to save what we can. The drums are beating, the chickenhawks are yammering, war is coming”
Paolo Croldi:
“How nice to see US militaries helping out Nazi Ukrainian troops to crush Donbass people’s sense of belonging and identity with weapons.
Shameful, how could american people support this? How can they buy all the lies built around this crisis?
Nonsense, a total, shameful, lack of coherence.
Perhaps coherence is just on sale nowadays…”
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