The favourite of Euromaidan supporters, “the dame with pastry” – Victoria Nuland keeps on with the inspection of her subordinates ranks. In the course of her two-day-long visit to Ukraine the Assistant of the US Secretary of State did not only hold the scheduled meetings with the PM and the President, but also met the leader of the Opposition Bloc Sergey Levochkin.
A very odd choice of partners in the country of victorious Maidan, isn’t it? The representative of the State Department shaking hands with the former head of the Administration of the dictator and bloody tyrant, with the keeper of keys from Yanukovich’s office? What can the American exporters of democracy discuss with the leader of the “not yet done with Regionals”, as all “democratic” media call parliamentary opposition?
And then all of a sudden it comes out that Nuland discussed a series of strategic issues with the tyrant’s assistant:
1. Settlement of the Donbass crisis;
2. Reforms;
3. Fight with corruption;
4. Decentralization and the new Constitution.
One would wonder, what opposition, which has no direct influence on the tackling of such issues, has to do with this list: OP does not even have a single Parliamentary Committee in Rada. And yet Nuland herself chooses Levochkin-Boyko-Kolesnikov to discuss the future of Ukraine with.And the “patriots” and “sofa troops” did not even say a word to condemn Nuland, who had spent several hours talking to “th 5th column of the Kremlin”.
Levochkin himself admitted that he discussed settlement of the Donbass crisis with the Assistant of the US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. “Peaceful and prompt settlement of the conflict in Donbass is the most important priority for Ukraine and its international partners, first of all the USA”, – remarked the hanger-on of the toppled “dictator”. According to the reports, the sides discussed the need to fully abide by the Minsk Agreement. In other words, Nuland does not differentiate between Poroshenko and the former Head of Yanukovich’s Administration. This fact alone is telling.
First of all it suggests that the US put in action its reserve project – “Opposition Bloc” that had been created and is still patronized by American political technologist Paul Manafort. Moreover, Levochkin and Co do not try to conceal the fact that they would like Ukraine to become the 51 state of the USA. It is the Oppo-Bloc that many people call the key party of Maidan: it has never been a secret that the chief manager of Yanukovich’s apparatus was the perpetrator of the coup d’etat in 2013.
Secondly, the assumption that Americans never put all the eggs in one basket seems to be confirmed: after the openly pro-American politicians of Poroshenko’s and Yatsenyuk’s type had discredited themselves, Washington introduces the people from the subs’ bench to the scene. The irony of fate is in the fact that all of them are former members of the Party of Regions, vivid representatives of the toppled by Maidanites authorities. They will replace the current Maidanite government, which has failed the masters’ trust. Evidently, after Moscow meeting of Kerry and Lavrov Americans had to reconsider their attitude to Ukrainian establishment and find the replacement in the person of those, who do not repel Russia and with whom Donbass would talk. In this sense they could not find anyone better than the Opposition Bloc, as under its banners the representatives of the industrial elite of Donbass gathered – the oligarchs of the level of Kolesnikov and Novinskiy, as well as familiar to the RF Yuriy Boyko. This team can do well at the elections.
Thirdly, there is no doubt that Nuland is preparing the ground for Poroshenko’s capitulation and searches replacement for the candy-maker and Bunny. Quite possibly that after the successful local elections, in which the Oppo-Bloc shows a good result, Levochkon will get the portfolio of the PM. In fact, the Opposition Bloc is a skillfully designed by the US trap for the protest electorate. And protest sentiments are growing in Ukraine: people block roads and hang themselves because of unbearable utility prices, unemployment and overall price rise. As soon as they are ready to topple the government, a vent for letting out of political stem will appear – the so called “opposition”.
The puppets of the US State Department (by the way, Levochkin intentionally subsidized the main trumpeters of Maidan Nayyem and Leshchenko, who went directly to the President’s Administration to get the new portion of blackmail material and money) will play the key role at the final stage of Ukraine’s transformation. The new Constitution, decentralization and talks with rebellious Donbass – everything will depend on the OP now. Americans have already wisely played the card of Firtash’s arrest and the ensuing court rulings: they initiated the process of discrediting of the Maidan government, which ‘muricans” themselves grew fed up with.
May 16, 2015 Olga Talova for
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