While on Pacific rim business, America’s point man on foreign relations, pointed out that better Russian relations continues as a driving theme in US current foreign policy.
American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday that President Donald Trump has asked him to rebuild the American relationship with Russia and not allow the political turmoil over possible Russian ties to the Trump campaign to impede him in any way, shape or form.
Tillerson said relations with Russia are at a low point and deteriorating, and Trump asked him to try to stabilize the relationship and rebuild trust for the common good of both nations, divided by 8 years of neocon driven policy under the Barack Obama Administration.
Secretary of State Tillerson said he couldn’t comment on the details of the Russian related investigations from campaign 2016 as the investigations have not concluded yet by American authorities and Tillerson himself says, “I have no direct knowledge.”
He did say Trump has told him he should not allow the uproar to impede him from working on the relationship.“Trump has been quite clear with me to proceed at whatever pace and in the areas I think we might make progress,” Tillerson said. “I really am not involved in any of these other issues.” Tillerson stressed.
The American Secretary of State was asked a number of questions about the London Bridge terrorist attacks and Tillerson said he was pleased by reports that some British imams were refusing to offer funeral prayers for the London attackers.“That is what has to be done. Only the Muslim faith can handle this.” He concluded.
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