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  • Smittoonable .

    What an absolute farse, that Trump could say that Russia are the Aggressor and have destabilized Ukraine .
    Surely he must know or have his head in the sand that it was the CIA that was behind the Maidan , shooting people from both sides to start off the new Democracy they said Ukraine needed by ousting the corrupt Govt of Yanakovich .Nuland handing out her Bikkies in the streets of Kiev after caught discussing who they would put in Power and F***k the EU comment to Pryatt. Sadly Yanakovich didnt ask Russia to come to his Countries aid there and then and kick out the nasties the US had in mind. Crimean People being Russian really for Centuries could see who was behind it all and knew the US wanted to take their Port in Savastopal , so under International Law had a huge turnout to the Referendum to Secede back in to the Russian Federation , all totally legal under International Law. Russia of course agreed and the rest is HISTORY.
    The US also have used the Bandera following Nazis like they have used ISIS to cause destabilization throughout Ukraine , first with the Murders of so many Peaceful anti Maidan protesters in Odessa. The Donbass People also Ethnic Russian People , after seeing their fellow Russian speaking Odessians murdered , had their own Referendum to form their own Republics to defend their People and Land from the US backed aggressors. 3 years later and more than 10,000 people dead and many badly wounded , the good people of the new Republics DPR and LPR continue to defend themselves and THEIR LAND ,from the evil that continue using the Nazi Azov and Aidar Battalions and Paid Mercenaries with total US and NATO backing .Wake up Trump , for all our sakes in regards to Ukraine and Syria, you are being advised by Soras backed scum , and I’m sure Vladmir Putin will not bow to your or their BS , he will tell you as it is and you need to listen as HE is telling the TRUTH , not you in regards to these two issues.

    • Toronto Tonto

      kill all Russian terrorists in Ukraine and Syria.

  • Toronto Tonto

    Russia is the invader and aggressor and all participants must die. send them home in a box and give their mommy a few poobles all for what putin dreams wont work . the world has now turned on Russia because of putins killing ways , good luck fuccin ruskies.

    • Smittoonable .

      What an absolute piece of work you are, obviously a Bandera Follower to speak of such hate to anyone like you have here . Russian people are decent people as is their Leader Putin who is by far the best leader in this World , Russians live next door to Ukraine unlike you and are of the same Slavic bloodlines , they have the same common interest in general , it is only the few that have decided to follow their Satanic masters and the US invaders who live thousands of miles away , as do you if you’re waving a Canadian flag as you do here, or do you simply hide behind it with the other Banderites that escaped to Canada after the 2nd World War and their association then with the Third Reicht . . Any other leader would’ve started WW3 for the Rothschilds and Soras long along , and Putin prooves time and tome again that he has decency which you obviously lack .
      The World has not turned on Russia, only the idiots following the US stupid Sanctions and they themselves have dug a big hole for them,selves as counter sanctions have hurt them more. Russia is stronger through it all , they have replaced the previous imports with their own products and so the money that left Russia stays with it’s people.
      They also have increased trade with the Brick Countries and China, good for them and crap for your Murderous views . You are what you sow , so good luck to you when you arrive for judgement , there’s a big Lake of fire waiting there for you and your other Satanic and Pedophile Worshipers . Russia will never allow a foreign Nation like the US or Canada try to break up their Country as they have done to Ukraine , Iraq, Libya . So you think it is better today than what it was back in 2013 in Ukraine , before the US Soras backed CIA caused the chaos. Well how about the local currency for a start, I had visited 4 times there prior to the real Aggressor of the World the US and Nato , on behalf of the Rothschilds , Soras and other Globalist scum , and over a 5 year period I could get 8.3 – 8.5 Hryvnia per one US$ , every visit the same and I loved Ukraine then, it was safe to visit , stable prices , people I know lived happily . After the CIA Invasion and overthrow of Yanakovichs Govt, the Hryvnia went to 28 to the US$ , and stays similar at over 26 today . pensions have been halved , Utilities increased 200% and this is due to the US Invasion , not Russia . The MSM are controlled by the Elites as well , so lies after lies have come out about Russia when the opposite is the reality , and CNN for example are falling on their sword today due to the Fake false news they put out and others like the BBC following them . Trump himself a victim of this evil Black State that you seem to worship . Truth and good will always overpower Lies and evil , just a matter of time that more and more are exposed .
      Wake up to yourself as the only Terrorist in Ukraine are the Poroshenko backed nutters who have stolen so much from the People these past 4 years , and their nazi battalions and Foreigners of Paid killers , killed so many innocent Citizens . Governments that support such atrocities , are nothing short of being really Terrorist themselves . Obama , Clinton and McCain supported terrorist groups, ISIS being of their own making , but don’t worry , the lake of Fire awaits them as well.

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